Contact Form for Personalized Products

Disclaimer: Please be advised that Simba's Threads is a privately owned and operated entity, and not affiliated with, nor endorsed by, the United States Government or any of its agencies. Our business was initiated by a veteran, leveraging the skills and experiences gained from service to provide quality apparel. As a customer of Simba's Threads, it is important to understand that any products purchased from our website or elsewhere under our brand name are to be worn at your own risk. We strive to ensure the highest quality and satisfaction in what we offer; however, Simba's Threads assumes no liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential outcomes that may result from the use of our products. Choosing to wear our apparel means you acknowledge and accept personal responsibility for your use of our items. We encourage all customers to review product descriptions carefully. Simba's Threads appreciates your support and trust in our brand. We are committed to continuing to serve our community with products that inspire and honor the values of dedication and service. Thank you for choosing us.